Early Morning Stream

Sunday, January 22, 2006


This is the Early Morning Stream. I like to write in the mornings and that is when I'm most mentally active. I read the news, talk with my friends, co-workers and others, and watch the media to see the trends and such. There is so much going on that no single person can track it all. This blog is intended to provide a forum for the free discusion of these events.

A little about me. I'm a technophile. I work with computers a lot, I do a little reading, watch a DVD here and there, see a movie with friends and try to do my life in moderation. I'm seeking spiritual progress rather than perfection. As some of you will no doubt see, I have a sense of humor to go with it all. And I think I have something to add to the stream of consciousness we call the internet.

That is why I call this, the Early Morning Stream (no pun intended). It is my early morning stream of consciousness.

I hope to entertain discussions of technology for the layman, philosophy, law and entertainment. A sort of mix of everything to keep it interesting. I will do my best to put something here everyday. But anyone else, I'm not perfect.

So say hello and bring an issue of the day with you.

Mr. Scott


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